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Rock Dunder Expectations, Waiver & Release

Please be reminded that recreational drone use and geocaching are prohibited on Rideau Waterway Land Trust properties to protect the biodiversity of our conservation reserves.


Please read the following carefully:

  • Rock Dunder is a unique and beautiful natural feature of the Frontenac Arch Biosphere. It is preserved in its natural state for your enjoyment by the Rideau Waterway Land Trust, a local, non-profit organization.
  • As such, the trails at Rock Dunder are wilderness trails, left in a largely untouched state. You will encounter varied terrain underfoot, including sections with protruding roots and rocks. Some sections are winding and include significant upward or downward slopes; others allow unrestricted access to unprotected cliff overlooks.
  • Specific weather conditions may increase the difficulty of hiking the trails and terrain.
  • These trails are made available for use strictly at your own risk. They are not recommended for young children or people with health or balance issues. Hiking boots and poles are recommended.
  • If you or any of your party have doubts about your ability to safely use these trails, you/they should not attempt the trails.

Please be aware, by checking "I agree" to the document that follows, you and your party are acknowledging that you have been informed of the conditions and challenges of the terrain at Rock Dunder and each of you is willingly assuming the risk for using them.

By checking "I agree" to this document, you are also relinquishing all legal rights to seek redress of any kind from the Rideau Waterway Land Trust for your presence on and use of the Rock Dunder lands, trails, and adjacent lands.

If you understand and agree to these terms, please check "I agree" and proceed to purchase your pass.

Thank you.

The Rideau Waterway Land Trust


For the following agreements, the Rideau Waterway Land Trust, including its directors, employees, subcontractors, suppliers and volunteers will be referred to collectively as “THE TRUST”.


I, personally, and on behalf of all the members of my party, (collectively the “SUPPORTERS”) acknowledge having read and understood the preceding description of the conditions and challenges of hiking at Rock Dunder. 

By checking "I agree" to this Rock Dunder Expectations & Waiver and Release document, SUPPORTERS confirm their understanding and agreement to voluntarily WAIVE ANY and ALL CURRENT OR FUTURE CLAIMS, howsoever arising, that they or their next of kin have or may have for their use of or presence on the Rock Dunder or any adjacent lands. This waiver includes but is not limited to negligence, breach of contract, breach of any statutory or other duty of care, including any duty owed under the Occupiers Liability Act and any failure of the TRUST to safeguard or protect SUPPORTERS from the risks, dangers and hazards of the Rock Dunder or adjacent lands.

SUPPORTERS further agree to voluntarily RELEASE THE TRUST from any and all liability for any loss, damage, expense or injury, including death, that they or their next of kin may suffer, howsoever arising, from their use of or presence on the Rock Dunder or adjacent lands.

SUPPORTERS acknowledge their use of Rock Dunder is strictly at their own risk and subject to the rules as determined by THE TRUST. Privileges associated with this pass may be revoked without refund for violation of those rules. All funds received from SUPPORTERS are for incidentals, including maintenance and upkeep of the Rock Dunder premises. SUPPORTERS are not guaranteed a parking spot.

Rideau Waterway Land Trust, P.O. Box 42, Elgin, Ontario, K0G 1E0 Canada. Phone: +1 (343) 653 2500

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